Sweden-based company, 3nine AB has been committed to the task of supplying clean air in numerous market fields, with an emphasis on the metalworking sector since the beginning of its existence. 3nine ensures clean air at the lowest total cost through innovation leading solutions. Lately the company has expanded and launched new businesses to grow its different business areas. Three new companies were established - 3nine Industries AB; 3nine Automotive GmbH; and 3nine Shipping AB.
3nine Industries AB with the subsidiaries 3nine GmbH (in Germany) and 3nine USA Inc. (in the US) is slated to become the largest business area catering to the metalworking industry. 3nine AB will be the sole proprietor and parent company. The persistent focus remains on safeguarding the working environment in the global manufacturing arena.
The new 3nine Automotive GmbH will concentrate on the automobile market. The company provides its customers with separation technology-based goods or services, a much-needed requirement for the multinational producers of truck and passenger cars. 3nine Shipping AB will develop innovative technologies to facilitate sustainable projects, especially environmental work for the shipping industry.
“Clean air is one of the key concerns for the health of both the people and the environment. By broadening our business with new companies, we want to make it clear that we want to help more people and companies to get access to clean air, something we consider a privilege,” asserted Oskar Olai, CEO, 3nine Group.
For more information: www.3nine.com