Behringer 3D Saws for Additive Manufactured Components

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Behringer 3D Saws for Additive Manufactured Components

Behringer has widened its product range to mark the 100th anniversary with the two latest 3D series models, HBE320-523 3D and LPS-T 3D. These high-performance 3D sawing machines were designed to cut additively manufactured components in different shapes and sizes. With the highest cutting precision, the new band saw machines separate the printed components from the carrier plate and neither the pressure plate nor the pressure components are harmed. The high degree of flexibility is ensured by the fact that the base plate can be produced individually according to customer needs.

The HBE320-523 3D provides a system for separating small and medium sized panels up to 500 x 300 mm, based on the current and proven HBE Dynamic series. A very quick & simple setup process and compact machine dimensions speak for this model. The LPS-T 3D vertical band saw reveals its strengths when sawing larger printing plates. The machine's vertical construction with a freely accessible machine table is the best option for loading and unloading large heavy base plates with a crane. In addition, the standard servo feed system produces uniform feed movement when cutting steel & hard-to-process materials, resulting in high cutting efficiency and long saw band service life for the process.

Both models in the Behringer 3D series provide cutting path monitoring (with programmable tolerances), different cooling & lubrication systems, and sawing with a minimized support structure. The device of both machines can be moved, which ensures easy loading and easy handling, it also has standard zero-point stop system, which simplifies set-up operation and reduces sources of error. With both HBE320-523 3D and LPS-T 3D, safety is guaranteed with an optional extraction system that ensures that no harmful substances enter the work environment.


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