COAI & 5G-ACIA Promote 5G in Industry

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COAI & 5G-ACIA Promote 5G in Industry

Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) sign Memorandum of Understanding with 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA), a working party of ZVEI - German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association, to shape and promote 5G mobile communications in different vertical industries, especially in the discrete and process manufacturing sector.

5G India Forum (5G-IF) a collaborative body under the aegis of COAI & 5G-ACIA/ZVEI to encourage close cooperation for a period of three years, as not-for-profit, and both bodies will fulfill the purpose to identify topics of common interest as well as work to reinforce their relationship & foster closer cooperation on common agenda by joint participation in events, meetings, promotional activities, and numerous other joint initiatives.

“We are excited to partner with the 5G-ACIA, as we endeavour to continuously build our understanding and expertise towards the advancement of modern communication in the country. We believe that this partnership will be mutually beneficial and build on insights and learnings to shape Industrial 5G mobile communications and technology effectively” expressed Rajan S Mathews, Director General, COAI about the cooperation.

Dr Andreas Müller, Bosch, and Chairman, 5G-ACIA, elaborated, “5G will have a significant impact on the way how future factories and other production facilities are designed, operated and maintained. India is already an industrial powerhouse and manufacturing contributes to about 15% of the overall GDP of the country with an estimated number of more than 230k factories. The world is looking towards India how it shapes its Industry 4.0 revolution and high-performance wireless communication services as provided by 5G certainly represent a critical enabler in this respect. We are very happy to partner with COAI towards the growth of such technologies and excited to share knowledge and collaborate on various topics of mutual interest with one common goal: Making Industrial 5G become a major success!”

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