Gujarat’s Commissioner of Geology and Mines Royalties Crosses INR 2,000 Cr, Begins Geo Chemical Mapping

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Gujarat’s Commissioner of Geology and Mines Royalties Crosses INR 2,000 Cr, Begins Geo Chemical Mapping

Roopwant Singh, Outgoing Commissioner,  Geology and Mines

The Commissioner of Geology and Mines (CGM)—working under the Industries and Mines Department Government of Gujarat—has announced that their revenue from royalty collections for FY 22-23 has seen an increase of 19 percent compared to the previous year to achieve an inflow of INR 2,070 crore, making it the highest in the history of the institution. This additional revenue is by reaching above the goals the Government had set. By implementing a transparent, innovative, and sustainable regime, CGM has developed the Mineral wealth of Gujarat.

While FY19-20 and FY20-21 saw degrowth due to COVID and many other macroeconomic factors, FY21 saw a revenue jump to INR 1,733 crore from INR 1352 crore in the previous year, signaling a revival in the mining industry. Between FY21 and FY22, CGM has seen a 28 percent growth in its royalty collections, far exceeding its targets due to the collective efforts of its team, government authorities, and mining industry stakeholders.

CGM collected the highest royalty revenue, crossing INR 2,070 crore in its history. It’s a 19.44 percent raise over the previous year. The contribution of major minerals such as Limestone, Bauxite, Lignite, etc., is 30 percent to the whole royalty collection. Whereas, the contribution of Minor minerals such as, Ordinary Sand, Blacktrap, Granite, Marble, China clay, Building stone, etc., is 70 percent to the whole royalty collection.

As part of Geo Chemical Mapping, 86 toposheets out of a total of 236 toposheets falling in the state are completed, covering an area of 54,412 sq km; sample analysis and mapping are done as per GSI norms. CGM uses advanced systems such as Surfer, Map info, and Geosoft Montaj- Geochemistry Software for report writing. Furthermore, it has attracted new entrepreneurs and investors to the mining sector in the past few years. The state has put up new 12 Limestone and Bauxite Major mineral blocks, which will attract new mining industries in the state. The state has also put up 365 minor mineral blocks, which will attract individuals as well as small-scale investors. These will create new opportunities for start-ups and create new employment in the state. It will increase the royalty revenue in upcoming years.

Roopwant Singh, Outgoing Commissioner of Geology and Mines, commented, “This is a result of implementing various measures to streamline the royalty collection process, such as having a single window system, digitizing mining lease documents, adoption of technology for surveillance, besides others.”

He also states, “This wouldn’t have been possible if the entire ecosystem hadn’t put their heads together. It is a small testament to what is to come and the state government’s vision to promote sustainable mining practices, leading to more mining leases being granted. We are exploring and operationalizing best measures from Integrated Lease Management System, implementing e-auction routes that bring transparency and accountability to evaluating alternatives to river sand. We are also the first state to initiate Geo Chemical Mapping.”


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