POWTECH 2023 Features VDMA Special Show on Air Handling Technology and Process Plant Equipment

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POWTECH 2023 Features VDMA Special Show on Air Handling Technology and Process Plant Equipment

POWTECH, the leading European trade fair for mechanical process engineering, analysis, and handling of powder and bulk solids, will be held in Nuremberg from September 26-28, 2023. The VDMA special show will be there again this year - with eleven exhibitors and, for the first time, under the joint management of the Air Handling Technology and Process Technology and Equipment trade associations. 

Air Handling Technology with full order books

After the Corona crisis, manufacturers in the air handling and process technology sectors have not only exceeded pre-crisis levels but are also cautiously optimistic about the future. Both sectors are currently still benefiting from full order books from 2022. 

Exports of air handling technology also increased by almost 12 percent year-on year to €15 billion in 2022. The most important customer market is the EU with a share of 55 percent. The most important sales countries are the USA (€1.67 billion), ahead of France (€990 million), Poland (€976 million) and China (€925 million). In addition, exports to North and Latin America each showed a strong increase of over 20 percent. 

While according to the spring flash survey of the VDMA Air Handling Technology trade association, nominal growth in air treatment in 2022 was still 7 percent, manufacturers expect a nominal 4 percent increase in sales for 2023. Due to the increase in producer prices, this means stagnation overall, but manufacturers are nevertheless optimistic about the future. The industry has the highest expectations for customers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics, and food industries. Only for the construction and building materials industries do manufacturers forecast a weaker development. 

“On a positive note, topics such as energy efficiency, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety are increasingly being taken into account in the customer industries - not least because of the extensive body of regulations - and are thus providing positive impetus for the industry in the medium term,” says Guntram Preuß, Consultant Air Handling Technology/ Market Information and Drying Technology. “Particularly in this regard, impulses will be noticeable from the exhibitors with their know-how at this year’s POWTECH trade fair.”

Drying technology (as an area of air handling technology) shows a similar development with high order backlogs, in some cases until 2024. Companies are benefiting from energy source conversions and efficiency measures but are currently noticing a slight downturn in order intake. In 2022, the nominal increase in sales for drying technology was still five percent, for 2023 manufacturers are assuming plus six percent. In real value, however, this again means only a small increase. 

Strong export growth for process plant and equipment in 2022

The process plant and equipment sector is looking at a 15 percent increase in exports for 2022 compared to 2021 (€6.54 to 7.51 billion), also exceeding the €6.6 billion from the pre-Corona year 2019. The most important export countries remain the US with a share of 10.6 percent (€794 million), followed by China (9.6 percent at €719 million) and France (6.1 percent). However, Europe remains the most important market with a share of 41 percent, followed by Asia (22 percent and the highest growth for Central and Southeast Asia of 53.3 percent) and America (15 percent). Imports also increased by 15.9 percent compared to 2021, from €2.48 billion to €2.87 billion. Here, too, the most important supplier countries remained the USA (11.6 percent), China (9.4 percent) and France (9.2 percent).

According to the economic survey conducted by the VDMA Process Plant and Equipment trade association in the first half of the year, manufacturers expect for the order situation to remain constant or increase in 2023. Almost half of the respondents also anticipate an increase in sales. The main reasons for this are large orders, new product ranges, and the opening of new markets, especially India and South America. The current export increase of 4.6 percent in April 2023 compared to the previous year also continues to support this positive basic mood. 

However, both Process Plant and Equipment and Air Handling Technology continue to register concerns and challenges for the bulk solids industry. Even if the disrupted supply chains resulting from the Corona crisis have largely recovered, some manufacturers are affected by the loss of Russia as a sales market due to the Ukraine war. In addition, there is a growing uncertainty in dealing with China and a challenging search for alternative markets. At the European level, regulatory obstacles are being added not only in the form of the Supply Chain Act and the Product Passport, but also due to the widespread impact of the impending PFAS ban on mechanical and plant engineering. In addition, the effects of the shortage of skilled workers are already becoming apparent: Many companies are facing increased costs in recruiting and in retaining existing staff. 

The VDMA special show at POWTECH in September

Representing the concerns and technology solutions of the bulk solids industry is also the theme of this year’s VDMA special show at POWTECH. For the first time, the two trade associations Air Handling Technology and Process Plant and Equipment will be exhibiting together with eleven member companies and their exhibits in Hall 2, Stand 204. 

“It is our concern not only to serve our members comprehensively, but to place them in the focus of our country’s technological capability,” emphasizes Richard Clemens, Managing Director, VDMA Process Plant and Equipment Trade Association. “The mechanical and plant engineering industry is not only a player, but also an innovator, a foundation and one of Germany’s largest employers. Due to this we are also affected by many regulations. Not only presenting but also communicating the resulting effects has always been one of our main tasks.”

Accordingly, the stand area will not only feature the co-exhibitors of the special show (AL-KO THERM GmbH, Alexanderwerk GmbH, bar pneumatische Steuerungssysteme GmbH, DIOSNA Dierks & Söhne GmbH, Donaldson Filtration Deutschland GmbH, Filtration Group GmbH, Herding GmbH Filtertechnik, HET Filter GmbH, Masterflex SE, MOLLET Füllstandtechnik GmbH, ts-systemfilter GmbH), but also VDMA consultants on the topics of TALuft, PFAS, biological transformation of the industry and shortage of skilled workers.


For more information: www.vdma.org