VDMA To Promote Sustainability in Packaging with its Partners at interpack 2023

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VDMA To Promote Sustainability in Packaging with its Partners at interpack 2023


VDMA, which represents more than 3,500 German and European mechanical and plant engineering companies, will be at interpack, the world’s leading trade fair for process and packaging technology for food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, as well as consumer and industrial goods, scheduled from May 4-10, 2023, at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany. 

Richard Clemens, Managing Director
VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association.


‘Smart engineering for sustainable processing and packaging’ is the motto under which the VDMA will present itself, together with its partners from research institutes, universities, companies, and start-ups. In the Technology Lounge, innovations on sustainable packaging, digitalization, cleaning, product safety, and the topic of ‘Save Food’ against food waste will be presented on more than 300 sq mt. The experience of visiting the Lounge allows visitors to touch, experiment with, and taste.

“Smart engineering is the key to sustainable processing and packaging - and German mechanical engineering is a pioneer in this field,” says, Richard Clemens, Managing Director, VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association. The ideas and solutions that contribute to greater sustainability will be showcased by the VDMA in its Technology Lounge in Hall 4, C54. “We are gladly anticipating interpack and are delighted that the industry can finally meet again after six years. A lot has happened in that period, and visitors can look forward to a wealth of innovations,” states Clemens.

 Here is an overview of the exhibits to be seen in the VDMA Technology Lounge in Hall 4, Stand C54:

 Seaweed-based packaging - From seaweed to biodegradable packaging

The Brabender company shows how seaweed is processed with an extruder into a polymer material in the form of a biodegradable packaging film, thus offering an alternative to certain plastics. For the next step, the TU Dresden has developed a method to process the algae film into packaging: Using a pneumatically and electromechanically driven press, the algae film is formed into a 3D shape.

 HTWK Leipzig students - the skilled workers of tomorrow

The Leipzig course ‘Packaging Technology and Sustainability’ at HTWK Leipzig presents sustainable packaging ideas from a student competition. Here, visitors can get to know the skilled workers of tomorrow.

 Entry into the circular economy - natural fiber-based packaging solutions

The Fraunhofer IVV Dresden shows fiber-based packaging solutions and technologies for the safe processing of paper and alternative materials on high-speed machines.

 Clean Assist - Virtual Assistant for Manual Cleaning

Fraunhofer IVV also presents intelligent cleaning technologies to ensure product safety. The ‘CleanAssist’ cleaning lance equipped with tracking sensors analyses and documents the cleaning performance and spray shadow. With an AR device, a digital twin is transferred to the real cleaning environment, and the cleaning progress is displayed in real time in the operator’s field of vision. In addition to quality assurance and documentation, this also enables guided optimization of cleaning runs and helps to avoid product quality-reducing errors due to incorrect processes.

 Mobile Cleaning Device - Fully automated, flexible cleaning 4.0

With the ‘Mobile Cleaning Device’ (MCD), Fraunhofer IVV continues to show a more modular cleaning robot, which, depending on the application, is available in two variants: as an autonomously moving device for the automated cleaning of entire production environments and as an inline version (‘Inline-MCD’) for the automated cleaning of process plants and lines. The ‘Inline-MCD’ is additionally equipped with various cleaning nozzles and brushes and travels for the cleaning process on the product path via conveyor belts or rail systems through the process plants.

VR training - qualification of machine operators with virtual reality and digital twin

The Fraunhofer IVV is developing digital training systems based on virtual reality (VR) for the training and further education of operating and technical personnel. Since the training runs on a digital twin, learners can make mistakes and gain experience without compromising machine availability or even risking damage. In the VDMA Technology Lounge, the training system can be tested for use on a thermoformed packaging production line itself.

Consulting for a future-proof, company-specific digitalization strategy

Digitalization offers solutions to current challenges such as ensuring resilient processes, implementing the circular economy, or the shortage of skilled workers. The Fraunhofer IVV supports companies in their transformation process, i.e. in the concrete implementation of concepts such as networked production, data exchange along the entire value chain, or the ‘Industrial Internet of Things’. To this end, the institute develops company-specific technology and assistance solutions, individual software for system integration, and AI for use in production. Visitors can find out more about this in the VDMA Technology Lounge.


Material Hub - researching construction materials effortlessly

The Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB) introduces the ‘Material Hub’ - an open, central material research platform that enables access to material data from a wide range of data sources in a compact search mask. The material search helps developers and designers find materials that are suitable for their purposes.

 Embedded vision systems - quality inspections with smart AI camera for beginners

The Vision Cam AI.go from Imago Technologies is a flexible, fully embedded, Deep Learning-based machine vision system for reliable inspection of quality features in various industrial application areas. The AI camera is designed for end users with little experience in programming or machine vision.

 SmartID - Counterfeit-proof product identification to protect against product piracy

In a consortium with several Fraunhofer Institutes, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT is demonstrating SmartID - an identification system that can be used to check the authenticity of products or packaging throughout the entire supply chain by smartphone. Also by the end consumer. Product identification works offline and can be easily and quickly integrated into packaging production.

 eMTS - Electronic Motor Nameplate - Electronic motor nameplate closes digitization gap

The electronic motor nameplate (eMTS) developed by TH Köln enables the safe transmission of motor parameters to the inverter via the motor power cable for encoderless drives. The eMTS replaces the familiar metal nameplate and can thus close the digitalization gap between the motor and the frequency inverter up to the control system.

 keäksack Craft Beer - Bread with a difference

The start-up keäksack brews beer from surplus bread that is not sold at the bakery. In addition, 10 cents per bottle goes to social institutions. Keäksack thus combines sustainability and social responsibility and contributes to ‘Save Food’, the initiative of UNEP, Messe Düsseldorf, and interpack in the fight against food waste. The beer can be tasted in the lounge.

 Sustainable Processing and Packaging

VDMA presents its new knowledge portal for sustainable process and packaging technologies based on company examples. The ‘Sustainable Processing and Packaging’ knowledge portal offers a comprehensive information source that covers topics such as the circular economy, the function and value of packaging, relevant laws and regulations, infographics, expert interviews, and company examples. The portal provides data, facts, and background information that is presented in a factual and concise manner. Visitors to the portal can find all the information they need on these topics in one convenient location.


For more information: www.vdma.org